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We’re not just materials experts—we’re solutions experts. Tell us your constraints and we’ll help you choose the best path to avoid obstacles and the right product to finish your project. Here are some common factors we consider when choosing a material:

High & Low Temp

We help you choose materials that can withstand temperature extremes that may cause changes in physical and chemical properties of your product.


EMI or RFI shields separate a device’s electronic components from harmful electromagnetic interference (EMI) or radio frequency interference (RFI).

Chemicals resistance

Our materials experts constantly work with and understand the importance of chemical resistance when it comes to gaskets, seals and more.

Adhesive Compatibility

Our material experts help choose a material for your project based on how well two or more parts need to bond together throughout use.

Air & Water seal

We can recommend the materials that are best for deflecting air and water while factoring in stress relaxation and compression set resistance.


Our AFP team helps you choose materials that can withstand environments where parts and materials may come in contact with flame.


We’ll recommend the best pressure-friendly materials for your project, whether it be open cell foamsclosed cell spongesrubbers or more.

UV & ozone

The materials we work with have been tested and defined on how effective each type performs while under direct UV and Ozone exposure.


Anti-vibration materials, such as silicone or PORON, are important to lessen or impede damage to sensitive components during both light and heavy use.


We have a line of thermal and electrical insulating materials designed to ensure proper operation of electronic and electromechanical equipment.



The conductive properties of a material or final product can be important based on environment and surrounding objects.

gap size

Have a specific gap size that needs to be tightly and securely filled? We can fabricate your gaskets and seals in any size or shape from nearly any material you need.


We’ll recommend which materials are best for blocking contaminants while still effectively allowing your end product to function.

compression force

We know which materials are ideal for absorbing compression while subject to gases, liquids or dry areas around gasketing and sealing.


Our material experts can help choose a product based on acoustical requirements. Need help with deciding on a material? Contact us today.

AFP is 100% employee owned

Every call, question and quote request will be answered by an owner.

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